Talks: What E-books Can Do for Photobooks
With the recent explosion of print photobooks being produced and collected, can e-books offer an additional path?

August 15, 2012 | INFOCUS, Phoenix Art Museum | Phoenix
March 24, 2012 | Society for Photographic Education | San Francisco
- Full Presentation: EPUB
As written in the presentation, the basic hypothesis of these talks is:
Photobooks + EPUB = ♥
And as with other talks I did around this time, I created the presentation as an EPUB rather than PowerPoint slides, and presented it directly from an iPad.
Talk Description
Driven by increasingly accessible self-publishing technology and a new cultural focus on auteurship, more photobooks are being published today than ever before. Outside photography, we have seen an explosion in books of another kind: e-books. Driven by the mass-adoption of mobile devices and the creation of file formats that work across those devices, the ongoing success of e-book publishing hinges on making books both mobile and flexible. This sometimes means rethinking what a photobook is. In this talk, we’ll look at the industry dominant e-book formats, and what they can and cannot do, today and into the future, for photography.